Stocks | A/X Growth | Royalus
Blog | Society | College Truth | NIL
Blog | Society | College Truth | NIL
Who am I?
1) Artist 🎤
2) Entrepreneur
3) Philosopher
Where am I from?
Philadelphia, PA
What is my nationality?
What is my personality type?
ENTJ (Commander)
What are my passions?
I have a passion for music and stocks.
What is my dream?
To become an artist,
and to become a portfolio manager.
Where and when did I finally earn my degree?
BA, SNHU 2022
What am I working on?
Personal Health, Music
What is my message?
Improve "Quality of Life."
What is my greatest call?
I tried to stop the spread of Covid
(bioweapon, imo). In April 2020,
I tweeted to Homeland Security
to set up a military quarantine of the
people coming in. That would have
made a difference. I deleted the tweet,
but it should be archived by Homeland.
Roy Philipose
"Life is not what you do for yourself,
but what you do for others." - Ben Franklin
------© Copyright Roy Philipose 2025.